
Friday 17 October 2014

How To make Salted Eggs

Salted eggs are very easy to make, but you need to be patient for the best result, keeping the eggs longer in a brine solution gives that perfect texture and taste of the salted eggs. I used chicken eggs for this because there is no available duck eggs in my place, still the duck eggs are the best for this.

6 chicken eggs
3 cups water
1 cup salt

1. Put the salt and water in a pot then bring to a boil, let boil until the salt is fully dissolved, turn off the heat and allow the brine to cool.
2. When the brine is already cool, transfer it in a container where you are going to keep the eggs for the process. Make sure the eggs will not float by putting a heavy object on top of it then cover.

3. Keep it in a dark  place for 30 days. After 30 days remove from the brine then cook it until it is hard boiled ( around 10 minutes). Refrigerate and use it anytime you want it.

Note: You can add food color if you want to make some for sale.

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